“Make It Possible” By Animal Australia

Have you ever imaged being caged since the first day you were born?

Do you think your life is any more superior than animal’s life?

Do you think that you are a civilized human being?

Throughout the 21st century, factory farm has become the No.1 cause of animal cruelty. Factory farming has turned living animals into factory production units. The increasing needs of eggs and fleshes of domesticated animals has led to the smaller and smaller crammed areas that the animals live in order to cut costs for a bigger profits for the factory farms. Animals have paid the price. Even as factory farming is so cool, but the government is not doing anything about it. Although the government is not doing anything in cutting factory farming, we can do it ourselves.

Factory farming only exists because there is a market for these products. Factory farm depends on the retails but retails can decide what to sell and we can decide on what we buy! If we don’t buy factory farmed products, retailers won’t import them. When there is no demand, factory farms will afford the change the practices. This is the way we can help change animals’ lives!


Here are some suggestions made by Animal Australia about how you have help the animals out!

1: Vote with your trolley

WHAT TO DO: When doing your food shopping, make kind choices. Avoid factory farmed, buy fewer animal products, or even go meat-free

WHY THIS WORKS: This is the most effective way you can end animal abuse. Factory farming is the only way to meet the current demand for these animals products. A demand that would never have occurred had consumers known how animals were treated. If you refuse to buy factory farmed products, the businesses which provide them will quickly get the message that there is no future in cruelty. The choices you make at the supermarket can ensure a kinder world for these animals.

2: Lobby your supermarket

WHAT TO DO: Next time you’re in your local supermarket, fill out a customer feedback form asking them to no longer stock cage eggs or other factory farmed products. Alternatively, send them an email or give them a call when you have a chance at home.

WHY THIS WORKS: Australia’s largest supermarkets are the major financial supporters of factory farming. They can end the single biggest cause of animal cruelty in this country by demanding ethically produced products from their suppliers. The views and ongoing support of their customers are important to supermarkets – “the customer is always right”, remember – so make sure they know how you feel about factory farming. It will take just a moment of your day, but it can have a great impact in making the world a kinder place.

3. Spread the World

WHAT TO DO: Tell your friends. Tell your family. Send an e-mail, or share Make it possible on Facebook or Twitter.

WHY THIS WORKS: The cruelty that takes place in factory farms only occurs because people are unaware it is taking place. Shine a light on animal abuse, so as many of your friends as possible are aware of the abuse going on behind closed doors. The more people who want to see an end to the cruelty, the more power we wield as consumers to make it happen.


Know more: http://www.makeitpossible.com/take_action/

2 responses to ““Make It Possible” By Animal Australia

  1. Great post. Factory farming is become so common that we often overlook the real cruelty that animals behind bars face. Whilst we try to buy cruelty free products, it’s true that our supermarkets are the largest financial supporters.

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